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Research and Development--Clinical Research: The assessment of the effect of a new medicine on humans. It typically consists of three successive phases, beginning with limited testing for safety in healthy humans then proceeding to further safety and efficacy studies in patients suffering from the target disease. Recherche et dveloppement--recherche clinique ; Research and Development-- Preclinical Research: Tests on animals to evaluate the pharmacological and toxicological effects of medicines. Recherche et dveloppement--recherche pr-clinique ; Research and Development--Other Qualifying: Includes eligible research and development expenditures that cannot be classified into any of the preceding categories of "type of research and development". It includes drug regulation submissions, bioavailability studies and Phase IV clinical trials. Recherche et dveloppement-- Autres R-D admissibles ; Research and Development Expenditures: For the purposes of the Patented Medicines Regulations, 1994, in particular sections 5 and 6, research and development includes activities for which expenditures would have qualified for the investment tax credit for scientific research and experimental development under the Income Tax Act as it read on December 1, 1987. Dpenses en recherche et dveloppement ; Current Research and Development Expenditures: consist of the following non-capital expenses that are directly related to research work: a ; wages and salaries, b ; direct material, c ; contractors and sub-contractors, d ; other direct costs such as factory overhead, e ; payments to designated institutions, f ; payments to granting councils and g ; payments to other organizations. These elements are described in greater detail in the Patentees' Guide to Reporting Form 3 available from the PMPRB website under the heading of "Legislation, Regulations and Guidelines." Dpenses courantes de recherche et dveloppement, for example, viagra lawsuit.
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