Received Feb. 8, 2001; accepted Feb. 16, 2001. From the Department of Family Practice, University of Colorado School of Medicine, the Sleep Disorders Center of Southern Colorado and Penrose St. Francis Sleep Laboratory, and Parkview Neurological Institute Dr. Pagel and the Department of Family Medicine and Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Dr. Parnes ; , Denver. Financial disclosure: Dr. Pagel has received grant research support from Sepacor and has served on the speakers advisory board for Cephalon, Wyeth-Ayerst, and Searle. Reprint requests to: J. F. Pagel, M.D., Rocky Mt. Sleep, 1619 N. Greenwood, Pueblo, CO 81003 e-mail: pueo34 juno.
The compartmental models described in this chapter up to now have covered the description of the absorption, elimination, and distribution of a drug. However, a compartmental model can also be used to describe the transformation metabolism ; of a drug Figure 8 ; . This can be of interest if the metabolite s ; of a drug are pharmacologically active or toxic, or because the metabolites give insight into sites of metabolism and possible reasons for changes in drug pharmacokinetics, for example, urso 500.
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DEVELOPMENTAL POTENTIALITIES OF CEREBELLAR GABAERGIC INTERNEURON PROGENITORS: A TRANSPLANTATION APPROACH Ketty Leto, Barbara Carletti, Ian M.Williams, Alice Bartolini, Ferdinando Rossi Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Universit degli Studi di Torino. An important quest for developmental neurobiology has been to unravel the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlay cell specification. The cerebellum is a suitable model to address this issue, as it is composed by a limited number of phenotypes, generated according to a precise time sequence from two distinct neuroephitelia. Progenitors in these germinal layers are committed toward specific fates already at early ontogenetic stages. The rostral rhombic lip gives rise to Math1 expressing precursors of glutammatergic neurons large deep nuclear neurons, granule cells and unipolar brush cells ; , while ventricular ptf1-a positive progenitors generate all the GABAergic phenotypes Purkinje cells and interneurons of the cortex and deep nuclei ; . One of the best methods to evaluate the intrinsic potential of different progenitor populations is the manipulation of the temporal and spatial environmental cues by means of the heterotopic heterochronic transplantation approach. We employed this technique to study the differential behaviour of cerebellar GABAergic interneurons which are generated from proliferating precursors in the white matter according to an inside out sequence, from the deep nuclei to the molecular layer. In order to assess if these interneuron classes share multipotent precursors or derive from separate pools of phenotyperestricted progenitors we examined the fate of embryonic and postnatal cerebellar cells transplanted to different aged hosts. In all conditions, donor cells achieved a high degree of integration in the cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei and acquired GABAergic interneuron phenotypes appropriate for the host age and engraftment site. Progenitors for GABAergic interneurons located in the cortex or in the periventricular region of the postnatal cerebellum have the same developmental potentialities which are maintained up to late ontogenetic stages. Therefore, contrary to other cerebellar types, which derive from dedicated precursors, GABAergic interneurons are produced by a common pool of progenitors, adopting mature identities in response to local instructive cues. In addition new insights derive from the employment of transgenic Pax2Gfp and Gad67Gfp donor cells populations that allow to finely characterize GABAergic interneuron precursors understanding the mechanisms of their specification.
Many substrates of enzymes, e.g. angiotensinogen, angiotensin, fibrinogen as a precursor of fibrin ; , HIV GAG and GAG-POL proteins the precursor proteins of HIV protease and other HIV proteins ; , and many enzyme and receptor ligands, e.g. the serpins, enkephalins, neurokinins, somatostatin, fibrinogen as a GP IIb IIIa receptor ligand ; , vitronectin, etc., are either peptides or proteins. In contrast to protein-protein interactions in signaling chains, the interaction of these ligands with their target is often mediated by only a few amino acid side chains. The rest of the polypeptide or protein stabilizes a certain 3D conformation of this part of the molecule; the RGD arginine, glycine, aspartate ; motif, which interacts with different integrins in obviously ; different conformations, is a striking example. Peptides can easily be synthesized in large number - even millions or billions different analogs are no problem, if parallel synthesis is used to produce mixtures of analogs. Correspondingly highaffinity substrates or ligands can be discovered in short time. However, the next step, the chemical conversion of such a peptide lead into a non-peptidic "peptidomimetic" ; , bioavailable drug is far from being trivial. Several partial structures have been proposed to mimic peptide loops, the preferred 3D structural motif that interacts with other proteins. However, with the exception of the promiscuous benzodiazepines, most other scaffolds are described in literature but have not yet been converted into active analogs. In the case of morphine and its many analogs, no conversion of the enkephalin peptides to this complex natural product has been performed because morphine was first. Despite some modeling attempts, to prove the "pharmacophoric similarity" between enkephalins and morphine, one must conclude that the synthesis of morphine would have never been achieved, just from the structure of these pentapeptides. An example, where this has been successfully performed, are some integrin ligands. First, some cyclic peptides showed selectivity for certain integrin receptors [40] and finally benzodiazepine peptidomimetics with enormous selectivities resulted [41, 42]. Other cases of the successful conversion of peptides into peptidomimetics are neurokinin-1 and -2 receptor and
Soybeans are very global and include multiple secondary product phenylpropanoid isoflavone ; and pathogenesis related PR ; protein defense responses that are orchestrated in a sophisticated manner in different cell populations proximal and distal to the point of inoculation or elicitor treatment21-23. It was clear from these studies that the wall glucan elicitor WGE ; from P. sojae was a central player in these various defense responses and a large number of studies focused on this elicitor. Secondary product responses to WGE include the formation of conjugates of the isoflavones daidzein and genistein 24. Genistein is directly toxic to P. sojae25, and daidzein is a precursor for the phytoalexin, glyceollin, which also subsequently accumulates in WGE treated tissues. Phenolic polymers lignin and suberin ; derived rapidly from early phenylpropanoid precursors can also accumulate to massive levels in elicitor treated cells26. Thus, the secondary product responses include the formation of two antibiotics and the reinforcement of a potential cell wall barrier. WGE also leads to the activation of expression of genes for various PR proteins23, including PR-1a, PR-2, PR-4, PR-6 and PR-10. In addition to the very global effects of WGE on the activation of defense responses, a possible connection of its activity to hypersensitive cell death was suggested in studies on a phenomenon called elicitation competency27. It was discovered that the activation of accumulation of the glyceollins by WGE required proximity of treated cells to either wounded or HR dying cells. In the absence of wounding or HR dying cells, WGE induced the accumulation of the isoflavone daidzein, the precursor of glyceollin. It was hypothesized that entry into the cell death program was required for the activation of elicitation competence. Other connections of WGE activity to race-specific resistance and HR cell death were suggested from genetic studies in which it was discovered that elicitation competence was strongly conditioned by the presence of several Rps resistance genes28. Gene Silencing Reveals Unexpected Connections between Isoflavones, WGE and the Activation of Race-specific Hypersensitive Cell Death. In the past few years, we have employed Agrobacterium rhizogenes based RNAi gene silencing29-30 to extend the various findings in the model cotyledon system to roots, the primary and economically most important target for P. sojae infection. Gene silencing has been highly effective in allowing us to determine the importance of various candidate genes in both race-specific and basal resistance in roots and has confirmed all of the major aspects of defense deployment and regulation first described in cotyledons. However, it has also uncovered some unexpected connections between PAMP-induced basal resistance and race specific resistance pathways. Recently we described that the silencing of isoflavone synthase causes a 95-98% reduction in root isoflavones29 and enhanced susceptibility to P. sojae, including an apparent breakdown of race specific resistance in silenced roots. While it has been established for many years that the and
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Demographic data Three hundred and ninety-six cases of tuberculosis were reported to ESMI during the year 2000. Two hundred and seventy cases were classified as pulmonary tuberculosis and 126 as non-pulmonary. This compares with 406 statutory notifications to ISD 304 respiratory and 102 non-respiratory ; for the same time period. Table 1 shows the breakdown of pulmonary non-pulmonary cases by age and sex and
AUTHORS: J. E. Souders1, M. J. Bishop1, K. B. Domino1, S. Khuri2, W. G. Henderson3, J. Daley4 AFFILIATION: 1VA Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, 2VA National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and West Roxbury VA Medical Center, Boston, MA, 3VA National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, 4VA National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and Tenet Health, Dallas, TX. INTRODUCTION: Death within 24 hours of elective surgery is an uncommon event for ASA Class 1-3 patients. We hypothesized that anesthesia-related problems would constitute a significant proportion of such deaths. The National VA Surgical Quality Improvement Program NSQIP ; is a prospective, multicenter, observational study of riskadjusted surgical outcomes in 123 hospitals. Our goal was to use this database to ascertain whether identifiable patterns of operative deaths emerge that could improve anesthetic care. METHODS: Elective operations performed on ASA 1-3 patients under general, spinal, and epidural anesthesia from 1995-99 were eligible for inclusion. There were 147 deaths within 24 hours of surgery. Fifty-two charts for ASA 2 and 3 patients were obtained and reviewed by two anesthesiologists experienced in quality assurance reviews. The role of the anesthetic care in the death was judged as follows: strongly contributory, possibly contributory, non-contributory, or impossible to judge. RESULTS: ASA physical classification was a strong predictor of the risk of death within 24 hours of surgery. There were no ASA 1 patients among the 147 deaths recorded in the 5-year period studied, because ugso 500.
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Amily physicians frequently encounter patients with dyspepsia. An organic cause, such as duodenal ulcer, is found in only about 40 percent of these patients.1 Hence, dyspepsia is considered to be functional, or idiopathic, in as many as 60 percent of patients Table 1 ; .2-4 The Rome II criteria provide an updated definition of nonulcer dyspepsia Table 2 ; .5 Symptoms usually are categorized as ulcer-like i.e., burning sensation, relief with antacids and histamineH2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors ; , dysmotility-like i.e., nausea, bloating, early satiety, anorexia ; , or unspecified.5 Many patients seek medical help for an ulcer-like pain syndrome that cannot be explained easily. Notably, symptoms and physical findings are unreliable in distinguishing between ulcer and nonulcer dyspepsia. Furthermore, treatment of patients with nonulcer dyspepsia can be challenging because of the need to balance medical management strategies e.g., eradication of.
Kimberly A. Moore, Judges, Juries & Patent Cases: An Empirical Peek Inside the Black Box, 98 Mich. L. Rev. 365 2000 ; . Id. at 391. See, also, John R. Allison & Mark A. Lemley, Empirical Evidence on the Validity of Litigated Patents, 26 AIPLA L.Q. 185 1998 ; . Allison and Lemley study the outcomes of patent validity cases from 1989 to 1996. They focus on those cases in which there exist final written decisions at either the district court or the Federal Circuit levels. In their study, a district court decision is "final" if a later decision by the Federal Circuit does not supersede it. In their data set of 299 patents in 239 different cases, they find that 46 percent of the final decisions hold the relevant patent invalid. In contrast to this figure which covers all patent validity decisions, they find that pharmaceutical patents are found invalid in 27 percent of cases. Allison and Lemley do not consider decisions that focus only on infringement and darvon.
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