

How do psychologists conceptualize "abnormality"? By following the four criteria: 1. Statistical deviance - a behavior is abnormal if it rarely happens in the total population. 2. Cultural deviance - if it violates cultural norms. 3. Emotional distress - if it leads to emotional upset. 4. Dysfunction - if it prevents a person from functioning in everyday life. What is the DSM-IV? Diagnostic Statistics Manual, fourth complete revision. There are five axes: 1. Axis one - clinical disorders 2. Axis two - personality disorders and mental retardation 3. Axis three - general medical conditions 4. Axis four - psychosocial and environmental problems 5. Axis five - global assessment functioning Schizophrenia - psychotic disorder marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors. The "splitting apart" of mental functions. Enhanced perception of sounds, colors, and other environmental features. Gradually lose ability to take care of personal needs. Delusions, hallucinations, hearing voices, thought insertion or withdrawal. - Axis One Diagnosis Treatments: antipsychotic drugs; dopamine antagonists - haloperidol Haldol ; , chlorpromazine Thorazine ; , fluphenazine Prolixin ; , clozapine Clozaril ; , risperidone Risperdal ; , and olanzapine Zyprexa ; . Mood disorders - mental disorders characterized by periods of depression, sometimes alternating with periods of elevated mood. Bipolor disorder, mania Loss of appetite, insomnia, hopelessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, grief, stomaches and headaches. Axis One diagnosis Treatments: Heterocyclic antidepressants HCA's ; like amitriptyline Elavil ; , selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRI's ; like fluoxotine Orozac ; , paroxetine Paxil ; , and sertraline Zoloft ; . Anxiety disorders - excessive apprehension and worry that in turn impairs normal functioning. - panic disorders - obsessive-compulsive disorders - phobias - post-traumatic stress disorders - generalized anxiety disorders Axis one diagnosis Treatments: Psychotherapy alone may suffice, alternative treatments yoga, meditation, etc.
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Case Name: Spigler et al. v. Jefferson Bank Docket Number: 960901033 Program Name: Major Jury-standard Case Type: Contracts Other Judge: Sheppard Judgment Description: Finding for defendant Judgment Amount: $1, 038.35 Judgment Date: 12 14 04 Case Name: Universal Medical Associates v. Rutgers Insurance Docket Number: 030704160 Program Name: Arbitration Appeal Case Type: Contracts Other Judge: Bonavitacola Arbitration Amount: $7, 461.75 Judgment Description: Jury verdict for defendant Judgment Date: 10 25 04 Case Name: Universal Medical Associates v. Rutgers Insurance Docket Number: 030704160 Program Name: Arbitration Appeal Case Type: Contracts Other Judge: Bonavitacola Arbitration Amount: $7, 461.75 Judgment Description: Finding for plaintiff Judgment Amount: $9, 604.10 Judgment Date: 10 26 04 Case Name: Smith v. Continental Life Insurance Co. Docket Number: 030303129 Program Name: Major Non Jury Case Type: Equity - No Real Estate Judge: Russell Judgment Description: Finding for defendant Judgment Date: 9 16 04, because prozac medication. Male Wistar rats n 48, 55--67 g and 21 F 2 days of age at the start of the experiment ; from Harlan CPB Zeist, the Netherlands ; arrived at the laboratory 2 weeks before the start of the experiment in order to adapt to a reversed light dark cycle 12 : 12 h, lights off at 6: 30 ; They received food and tap water ad libitum. Prior to and during drug treatment the rats were group housed n 8 ; and weighed daily. After drug treatment, throughout behavioral testing, the rats were individually housed and weighed weekly. Following the Dutch law on the Protection of Animals, the Animal Ethical Committee of the University of Nijmegen approved of the studies. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them: more common bitter taste metallic taste less common acid or sour stomach belching cramps difficulty having a bowel movement stool ; dizziness general feeling of discomfort or illness headache heartburn indigestion loss of appetite pain or discomfort in chest, upper stomach, or throat vomiting weight loss rare body aches or pain coating on tongue congestion depression dryness or soreness of throat hoarseness mood or mental changes runny nose tender, swollen glands in neck voice changes incidence unknown abnormal liver darkened urine diarrhea difficulty in moving feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings giddiness lightheadedness muscle pain or stiffness pain, swelling, or redness in joints sensation of spinning shakiness and unsteady walk sleepiness sleeplessness swelling or inflammation of the mouth tongue discoloration trembling, or other problems with muscle control or coordination trouble sleeping unable to sleep white or brownish vaginal discharge white patches in the mouth or throat or on the tongue other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients, for example, prozac withdrawal symptoms.

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Skin can most effectively produce vitamin D between the hours of 10 and 3 in the spring, summer, and autumn when the sun is at 45 degrees or more to the earth. One study found that in June, a fair-skinned person in Boston could maximize vitamin D synthesis in less than 5 minutes. With a SPF-15 sunscreen, it would take about 20 minutes. Since vitamin D is fat-soluble, the excess made during sunny periods can be stored in body fat and used in the winter when there is less direct sunlight. Individuals with health conditions that interfere with fat absorption such as cystic fibrosis or Crohn's disease are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. It also appears that abdominal fat can bind much of vitamin D in an irreversible way. Obese individuals are and ranitidine, for example, prozac used for!
Continue to take prozac even if you feel well. Audie A. Atienza, 1 Amy L. Yaroch, 1 Louise C. Msse, 1 Richard Moser, 1 Brad Hesse, 1 and Abby King.2 1National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD; and 2Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Developing effective intervention strategies for the 24-28% of US adults who are sedentary requires that we gain a better understanding of the multidimensional factors that influence sedentary lifestyles. This study identified key characteristics of various subgroups with lower and higher rates of physical inactivity using signal detection methodology. We randomly partitioned data from the nationally representative Health Information National Trends Survey HINTS; N 6, 369 ; into two samples. Exploratory analyses were employed on the first sample to identify various subgroups, and confirmatory analyses were conducted on the second sample. The signal detection analyses identified eight distinct subgroups with varying rates of inactivity. Three subgroups had inactivity rates greater than 40%, while the lowest subgroup had a rate of 12.9%. The highest inactivity subgroup 50% ; consisted of college-educated individuals in fair poor health and who watched 4 + hours of TV day. The second highest inactivity subgroup 47.8% ; was composed of individuals without a college education and with the lowest values on all communication variables. The third highest inactive subgroup 43.7% ; consisted of those without a college education, who read the newspaper, and were obese. Confirmatory analyses validated the findings of the exploratory analyses. By applying signal detection methodology to data from a nationally representative communication survey, we were able to identify characteristics of sedentary individuals that should be useful in creating evidence-based, tailored intervention strategies. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Audie Atienza, PhD, Health Promotion Research Branch, National Cancer Institute, 6130 Executive Blvd, Bethesda, MD, USA, 20892-7335; atienzaa mail.nih.gov and relafen.
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Updating clinical practice In 1997, the JNC departed from previous recommendations by suggesting that combination therapy might be appropriate as initial treatment in some TABLE 2 JNC-7 blood pressure classification patients. Concerns about this approach were raised BP classification SBP mm Hg ; DBP mm Hg ; repeatedly, primarily in academic centers, where the belief lingered that it would be difficult to deNormal 120 and 80 termine which drug had been effective in lowering Prehypertension 120139 or 8089 blood pressure BP ; and, if side effects occurred, Stage 1 hypertension 140159 or 9099 which medication produced which side effect. Yet, Stage 2 hypertension 160 or 100 numerous studies since 1997 have reported greater SBP systolic blood pressure; DBP diastolic blood pressure. efficacy with low-dose combinations of two drugs SOURCE: JNC-7 2003 from classes with different mechanisms of action. 88 cm ; and found similar results data not shown ; . Because intake of calcium was highly correlated to intake of vitamin D correlation coefficient 0.73 ; , we further examined the joint association of dietary vitamin D and calcium together as a ninecategory variable with risk of metabolic syndrome. An inverse association between dietary calcium intake and the metabolic syndrome was observed in women in each tertile of dietary vitamin D intake without significant interaction P 0.60 ; data not shown ; . We also found no apparent modification of the relation between dietary vitamin D intake and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome by smoking status and age data not shown ; . To assess the internal consistency of our observations, we also examined the direct relations of major dairy products with the metabolic syndrome Table 4 ; . There were trends for lower prevalence of.

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Recent research studied 90 patients whose seizures failed to respond to antiepileptic medication and underwent brain surgery to remove tissue that was the focus of the seizures. Patients with a lifetime history of depression were less likely to become seizure-free, the researchers found. This suggests depression could be a biological marker for a more severe form of epilepsy. Whatever biological links the two disorders may share, clinicians and patients alike need to be more aware of the significant incidence of depression among those with epilepsy. That is true even of patients who exhibit less severe forms of the condition than those treated at specialized clinics and major medical centers. In another recent study, researchers surveyed 775 epilepsy patients in community settings, 395 asthma patients and 362 healthy control subjects. Among those with epilepsy, 36.5 percent reported symptoms of depression, compared to 27.8 percent of asthmatics and 11.8 percent of controls. The study also found that nearly 39 percent of the patients with epilepsy had never been evaluated for depression. It is important for doctors and patients to understand that those with epilepsy, even mild forms of the condition, face an elevated risk of depression. Patients with epilepsy usually respond well to anti-depression medication and with lower doses. There is a lot of misperception that if you use an antidepressant, it will worsen the seizures. That is not really so. A class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors which include Zoloft, Paxil and Prozwc ; have proved safe in patients with epilepsy. AAAS, February 15, 2005 Page 5 and psilocybin.

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