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Although ICD is not most efficient in end stage heart failure, CRT may improve functional status significantly, making patients eligible also for ICD therapy. The combination of CRT with an ICD reduced the risk of all-cause mortality by 36% when compared with optimal medical therapy alone during short-term follow-up in severely symptomatic ie NYHA III ; heart failure patients [27]. The combined therapy was not superior to CRT alone regarding the primary combined endpoint. However, the combined therapy significantly reduced mortality compared to patients without device. Therefore, the decision as to whether CRT is implanted alone or in combination with ICD should be tailored to the individual need of each patient and viramune. METFORMIN 850MG MIRTAZAPINE 30MG SOLTAB CIPROFLOXACIN 0.3% OP OIN CYPROHEPTADINE 4MG TAB UD AMPHETAMINE MIXTURE ER 10 GLYBUR METFORMIN 1.25 250 THROMBIN 5, 000U SUCRO-SWEET 5ML CYTARABINE 100MG VIAL INJ CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE 100MGINJ FORMOTEROL 12MCG 12EA DIHYDROERGOT 1.00 MG ML METHYLPHENIDAYE ER 18MG DAKIN'S SOLN MOD ; 1000ML CITALOPRAM 10MG 5ML CELECOXIB 200MG CAP LEVALBUTEROL 0.63MG VIAL DANTROLENE 25MG CAP U D DARAPRIM 25MG TABLET WARFARIN 1MG TAB SIMVASTATIN 40MG TABLET NATEGLINIDE 60MG TABLET PROPXYPHENE NAP APAP 100T MEROPENEM 500MG VIAL OFLOXACIN 0.3% OPHTH 5ML CARBIDOPA LEVADOPA CR TAB PROPOXYPHENE 65MG CAP U D EPINEPHRINE 1MG ML AMP CEFUROXIME 125MG TABLET AMOXI POT CLAU 600 75ML RACEMICEPINE 2.25% 0.5ML SILDENAFIL 100MG TAB DESMOPRESSIN 4MCG 1ML CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE 15ML DEXAMETHASONE LA 8MG 1ML DEMECLOCYCLINE 150MG TAB DEMECLOCYCLINE 300MG TAB VENLAFAXINE XR 150MG CAP DECONAMINE SR CAPSULE ROSIGLITAZONE 4MG TABLET IRON SUCROSE INJ 1MG MEPERIDINE SYRUP 50MG 5ML VALPROATE NA 250MG 5ML UD VALPROIC ACID 250MG U DUD DIVALPROEX 500MG UD TAB METHYLPREDNISOLONE 40MG I METHYLPREDNISOLONE 80MG I BUPIVACAIN LIDO EYE LOCAL TESTOSTERONE CYP 100MG ML TESTOSTERONE200MG ML 10ML BENZOCAINE 20% 2 OZ TOP MORPHINE SULF 250MG 10ML.
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Alternatives Listed In Spec: ODS Use: ODS CHEM 1: PRIMARY REFS: The Gas Filter shall not Leak when Dichlorodifluoromethane Refrigerant or R-12 ; Conforming toType 12 of BB-F-1421 is Introduced at the Influent Side of the Filter see 3.3.2 page 3 ; . Each Filter shall be Tested for Air Flow Resistance and R-12 Leakage see a ; page 6 ; , a ; page 7 ; , a ; page 8 ; , page 9 ; . CFC 12 Dichlorodifluoromethane CFC-12 ; BB-F-1421 BB-F-1421 has been proposed for Cancellation by Proposed Notice 1, dated 31 March 1995, and is superseded by ARI Standard 700 and ARI Appendix 93. NAVSEA 03V24 and 03V23 have replied to Air Force SAALC SFSP that ARI 700 adequately covers refrigerants but does not adequately cover packaging for delivery. Navy recommends a CID or some other document be developed to be used in conjunction with ARI STD 700 to cover the acceptable packaging options that can be specified by the procuring activity these were covered in BBF-1421 ; . ODS CHEM 2: Comments: CFC 12 and nortriptyline.
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