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Rational Drug Bulletin is a member of the International Society of Drug Bulletins whose official logo is depicted alongside. Further information about the activities of CDMU may be found at : education.vsnl cdmudocu CDMUHome Our International Standard Serial Number is ISSN 0972-3064 and oxsoralen.

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Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China H.-W.S., H.-F.L., L.W., B.G., C.L. Department of Drug Disposition, Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana M.M.H., S.A.W.

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Andersson T, Miners JO, Veronese ME and Birkett DJ 1994 ; Identification of human liver cytochrome P450 isoforms mediating secondary omeprazole metabolism. Br J Clin Pharmacol 37: 597 604. Bourrie M, Meunier V, Berger Y and Fabre G 1996 ; Cytochrome P450 isoform inhibitors as a tool for the investigation of metabolic reactions catalyzed by human liver microsomes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 77: 321332. Crespi CL, Penman BW, Gelboin HV and Gonzalez FJ 1991 ; A tobacco smoke-derived nitrosamine, 4- methylnitrosamino ; -1- 3-pyridyl ; -1-butanone, is activated by multiple human cytochrome P450s including the polymorphic human cytochrome P4502D6. Carcinogenesis 2: 11971201. Draper AJ, Madan A and Parkinson A 1997 ; Inhibition of coumarin 7-hydroxylase activity in human liver microsomes. Arch Biochem Biophys 41: 47 61. Eagling VA, Tjia JF and Back DJ 1998 ; Differential selectivity of cytochrome P450 inhibitors against probe substrates in human and rat liver microsomes. Br J Clin Pharmacol 5: 107114. Ekins S, VandenBranden M and Ring BJ, Wrighton SA 1997 ; Examination of purported probes of human CYP2B6. Pharmacogenetics 7: 165179. Hampson DR, Baker GB and Coutts RT 1986 ; A comparison of the neurochemical properties of the stereoisomers of tranylcypromine in the central nervous system. Cell Mol Biol 32: 593 599. Hecht SS and Hoffmann D 1988 ; Tobacco-specific nitrosamines, an important group of carcinogens in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Carcinogenesis 9: 875 884. Henningfield JE, Miyasato K and Jasinki DR 1985 ; Abuse liability and Pharmacodynamic characteristics of intravenous and inhaled nicotine. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 234: 112. Hichman D, Wang JP, Wang Y and Unadkat JD 1998 ; Evaluation of the selectivity of In vitro probes and suitability of organic solvents for the measurement of human cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activities. Drug Metab Dispos 26: 207215. Kharasch ED, Hankins DC and Taraday JK 2000 ; Single-dose methoxsalen effects on human cytochrome P-450 2A6 activity. Drug Metab Dispos 28: 33. Koenigs LL, Peter RM, Thompson SJ, Rettie AE and Trager WF 1997 ; Mechanism-based inactivation of human liver cytochrome P450 2A6 by 8-methoxypsoralen. Drug Metab Dispos 25: 14071415. Leemann T, Transon C and Dayer P 1993 ; Cytochrome P450TB CYP2C ; : a major monooxygenase catalyzing diclofenac 4 -hydroxylation in human liver. Life Sci 52: 29 34. Lewis DFV and Lake BG 1995 ; Molecular modeling of members of the P4502A subfamily: application to studies of enzyme specificity. Xenobiotica 25: 585598. Li Y, Li N-Y and Sellers EM 1997 ; Comparison of CYP2A6 catalytic activity on coumarin 7-hydroxylation in human and monkey liver microsomes. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 22: 295304. Maenpaa J, Juvonen R, Raunio H, Rautio A and Pelkonen O 1994 ; Metabolic interactions of methoxsalen and coumarin in human and mice. Biochem Pharmacol 48: 13631369. Maenpaa J, Sigusch H, Raunio H, Syngelma T, Vuorela P, Vuorela H and Pelkonen O 1993 ; Differential inhibition of coumarin 7-hydroxylase activity in mouse and human liver microsomes. Biochem Pharmacol 45: 10351042. Mallinger AG and Edwards DJ 1986 ; Pharmacokinetics of tranylcypromine in patients who are depressed: relationship to cardiovascular effects. Clin Pharmacol Ther 40: 444 450. Messina ES, Tyndale RF and Sellers EM 1997 ; A major role for CYP2A6 in nicotine C-oxidation by human liver microsomes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 282: 1608 1614. Nakajima M, Yamamoto T, Nunoya K, Yokoi T, Nagashima K, Inoue K, Funae Y, Shimada N, Kamataki T and Kuroiwa Y 1996 ; Role of human cytochrome P4502A6 in C-oxidation of nicotine. Drug Metab Dispos 24: 12121217. Ono S, Hatanaka T, Hotta H, Atoh T, Gonzalez FJ and Tsutsui M 1996 ; Specificity of substrate and inhibitor probes for cytochrome P450s: evaluation of in vitro metabolism using cDNAexpressed human P450s and human liver microsomes. Xenobiotica 26: 681 693. Oscarson M, McLellan RA, Gullsten H, Yue QY, Lang MA, Bernal ML, Inues B, Hirvonen A, Raunio H, Pelkonen O and Ingelman-Sundberg M 1999 ; Characterization and PCR-based detection of a CYP2A6 gene deletion found at a high frequency in a Chinese population. FEBS Lett 448: 105110. Otton SV, Wu D, Joffe RT and Sellers EM 1993 ; Inhibition by fluoxetine of cytochrome P450 2D6 activity. Clin Pharmacol Ther 53: 401 409. Pianezza ML, Sellers EM and Tyndale RF 1998 ; Nicotine metabolism defect reduces smoking. Nature Lond ; 393: 750. Rao Y, Hoffmann E, Zia M, Bodin L, Zeman M, Sellers EM and Tyndale RF 2000 ; Duplications and defects in the CYP2A6 gene: identification, genotyping, and in vivo effects on smoking. Mol Pharmacol 58: 747755. Sabol SZ and Hamer DH 1999 ; An improved assay shows no association between the CYP2A6 gene and cigarette smoking. Behav Genet 29: 257261. Sellers EM, Zeman MV, Kaplan HL and Tyndale RF 2000 ; Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2A6 CYP2A6 ; decreases smoking and activation of the procarcinogen 4- methylnitrosamino ; -1 3-pyridyl ; -1-butanone NNK ; . Clin Pharmacol Ther 67: 113. Shimada T, Yamazaki H, Mimura M, Inui Y and Guengerich FP 1994 ; Interindividual variations in human liver cytochrome P-450 enzymes involved in the oxidation of drugs, carcinogens and toxic chemical studies with liver microsomes of 30 Japanese and 30 Caucasians. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 270: 414 423. Spahn-Langguth H, Hahn G, Mutschler E, Mohrke W and Langguth P 1992 ; Enantiospecific high-performance liquid chromatographic assay with fluorescence detection for the monoamine oxidase inhibitor tranylcypromine and its applicability in pharmacokinetic studies. J Chromatogr 584: 229 237. Sullivan JP, McDonnell L, Hardiman OM, Farrell MA, Phillips JP and Tipton KF 1986 ; The.

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See above discussion of the use of fecal leukocyte examination. In their guideline on workup of fever, Baraff et al. 1993 ; indicate that a stool culture should be obtained in the child less than 36 months of age with fever and diarrhea with blood and mucous or with 5 fecal leukocytes per high power field. The appropriate use of the stool culture would lead to appropriate treatment of bacterial diarrhea and reduced costs of evaluation since not all children would require stool culture determination. Parasites are the least common cause of diarrhea in children. Evaluation for possible parasitic causes of diarrhea should, therefore, be limited to children at high risk for parasitic infection. Such focused evaluation will reduce the overall costs of evaluation of diarrhea among children. Conversely, even with a history of recent travel, residence in a child care setting, immunocompromise or exposure to a potential carrier of parasitic diarrhea, stool examination for ova and parasite might not be needed unless diarrhea has persisted greater than 10-14 days or a public health concern existed. The false negative rate may be high with a single stool specimen. Though the incidence of parasitic diarrhea is low, when present appropriate treatment will be enhanced by identifying the parasite on stool examination. Although these should ideally be obtained on 3 consecutive days, extension of that period to 5-7 days may be appropriate, for example, phototherapy. MATULANE .10 MAVIK.15 MAXALT .11 MAXALT MLT .11 MAXIDEX .33 maxiflor .21 mebendazole .7 meclizine.25 meclofenamate sodium .13 medroxyprogesterone acetate .29 mefloquine HCl .6 MEFOXIN.6 MEGACE .10 MEGACE ES .9 megestrol acetate.10 MENACTRA.28 MENEST .29 MENOMUNE-A C Y W W DILUENT VL .28 MENOMUNE-A C Y W-135 .28 MENOSTAR .29 meperidine HCl .12, 13 meperitab.12 MEPRON .7 mercaptopurine.10 MERUVAX II VACCINE W DILUENT .28 mesalamine.26 MESNEX .9 METADATE CD .15 metadate ER .15 metaproterenol sulfate.34 metformin HCl.24 metformin HCl ER.24 METHADONE HCL .13 METHADONE INTENSOL .13 methadone tablet .12 methadose.12 methamphetamine HCl.15 methazolamide.32 methenamine hippurate .8 methenamine mandelate.8 METHERGINE .30 methimazole.23 methocarbamol.12 methocarbamol w aspirin.12 methotrexate .10 methotrexate sodium.9 methoxsalen, rapid .19 methyclothiazide.17 methylin .15 methylin ER .15 methylphenidate .15 methylphenidate ER .15 methylphenidate HCl.15 METHYLPREDNISOLONE ACETATE .23 48 and naprelan.

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Although these uses are not included in product labeling, topical methkxsalen is used in certain patients with the following medical conditions: alopecia areata eczema inflammatory dermatoses lichen planus mycosis fungoides need to increase tolerance of skin to sunlight psoriasis this product is available in the following dosage forms: lotion back to top before using in deciding to use a medicine, the risks of taking the medicine must be weighed against the good it will do and nimotop.

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It is not known whether calcipotriol is excreted into breast milk. The manufacturer recommends its use only if the anticipated benefits outweigh the potential risks.28 Methixsalen excretion in human milk is also unknown and although there are no reports of adverse effects with its use during lactation, the manufacturer recommends use only when the probable benefits outweigh the potential risks.29 Briggs recommends that breast-feeding be interrupted for at least 24 hours after administration of the drug because of its photosensitizing affect.16.
You will learn about the latest techniques and innovative procedures and medically based skin-care treatments that will noticeably improve your skin's overall look, vitality, and performance and nimodipine.
The presence of other medicalproblems may affect the use of topical methoxsalen. 30. S. J. Kolis, T. H. Williams, E. J. Postma, G. J. Sasso, P. N. Confalone, and M. A. Schwartz: The metabolism of 14C-methoxsalen by the dog. Drug Metab. Dispos. 7, 220 225 ; . 31. D. C. Mays, S. L. Rogers, R. C. Guiler, D. E. Sharp, S. G. Hecht, A. E. Staubus, and N. Gerber: Disposition of 8-methoxypsoralen in the rat: methodology for measurement, dose-dependent pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and identification of metabolites. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 236, 364 373 ; . 32. D. C. Mays, S. G. Hecht, S. E. Unger, C. M. Pacula, J. M. Climie, D. E. Sharp, and N. Gerber: Disposition of 8-methoxypsoralen in the rat: induction of metabolism in vivo and in vitro and identification of urinary metabolites by thermospray mass spectrometry. Drug Metab. Dispos. 15, 318 328 ; . 33. J. Schmid, A. Prox, A. Reuter, H. Zipp, and F. W. Koss: The metabolism of 8- methoxypsoralen in man. Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 5, 8192 1980 ; . 34. F. A. de Wolff and T. V. Thomas: Clinical pharmacokinetics of meth0xsalen and other psoralens. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 11, 6275 1986 ; . 35. U. Busch, J. Schmid, F. W. Koss, H. Zipp, and A. Zimmer: Pharmacokinetics and metabolite-pattern of 8-methoxypsoralen in man following oral administration as compared to the pharmacokinetics in rat and dog. Arch. Dermatol. Res. 262, 255265 1978 ; . 36. A. E. Rettie, A. C. Eddy, L. D. Heimark, M. Gibaldi, and W. F. Trager: Characteristics of warfarin hydroxylation catalyzed by human liver microsomes. Drug Metab. Dispos. 17, 265270 1989 ; . 37. R. L. Haining, A. P. Hunter, M. E. Veronese, W. F. Trager, and A. E. Rettie: Allelic variants of human cytochrome P450 2C9: baculovirusmediated expression, purification, structural characterization, substrate stereoselectivity, and prochiral selectivity of the wild-type and I359L mutant forms. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 333, 447 457 ; . 38. A. L. Shen, M. J. Christensen, and C. B. Kaspar: NADPH-cytochrome P-450 oxidoreductase: the role of cysteine 566 in catalysis and cofactor binding. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 19976 19980 ; . 39. M. Bourdi, W. Chen, R. M. Peter, J. L. Martin, J. T. M. Buters, S. D. Nelson, and L. R. Pohl: Human cytochrome P450 2E1 is a major autoantigen associated with halothane hepatitis. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 9, 1159 1166 ; . 40. L. Wilkinson: "SYSTAT: The System for Statistics." SYSTAT Inc., Evanston, IL, 1987. 41. R. Silverman: "Mechanism-Based Enzyme Inactivation: Chemistry and Enzymology." Vol. 1, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1988. 42. A. Rettie, K. Korzekwa, K. Kunze, R. Lawrence, A. Eddy, T. Aoyama, H. Gelboin, F. Gonzalez, and W. Trager: Hydroxylation of warfarin by human cDNA-expressed cytochrome P-450: a role for P450 2C9 in the etiology of S ; -warfarin-drug interactions. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 5, 54 59 ; . 43. L. C. Weinkers, C. J. Wurden, E. Storch, K. L. Kunze, A. E. Rettie, and W. F. Trager: Formation of R ; -8-hydroxywarfarin in human liver microsomes: a new metabolic marker for the S ; -mephenytoin hydroxylase, P4502C19. Drug Metab. Dispos. 24, 610 614 ; . 44. T. Kornbach: Bufuralol, dextromethorphan, and debrisoquine as prototype substrates for human P450IID6. Methods Enzymol. 206, 509 517 ; . 45. R. Peter, R. Bocker, P. Beaune, M. Iwasaki, F. Guengerich, and C. Yang: Hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone as a specific probe for human liver cytochrome P450IIE1. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 3, 566 573 ; . 46. T. Kimonen, M. Pasanen, J. Gynther, A. Poso, T. Jarvinen, E. Alhava, and R. O. Juvonen: Competitive inhibition of coumarin 7-hydroxylation by pilocarpine and its interaction with mouse CYP 2A5 and human CYP 2A6. Br. J. Pharmacol. 116, 26252630 1995 ; . 47. H. Lee and I. B. Wilson: Enzymatic parameters: measurement of V and Km. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 242, 519 522 ; . 48. O. Pelkonen, E. A. Sotaniemi, and J. T. Ahokas: Coumarin 7-hydroxylase activity in human liver microsomes: properties of the enzyme and interspecies comparisons. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 19, 59 66 ; . 49. J. H. Fentem and J. R. Fry: Metabolism of coumarin by rat, gerbil and human liver microsomes. Xenobiotica 22, 357367 1992 and noroxin and methoxsalen. ' + 'details about oxsoralen ' + 'and how it relates to methoxsalen.

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