

NIAS ISLAND, NORTH SUMATERA, BANYAK ISLANDS & SIMEULUE ISLAND, ACEH A 6.9 magnitude earthquake shook both Padang and Nias on May 14th at 12: 05 Indonesian time. The epicenter of the quake was just 50km west of Padang. Despite the proximity there are NO reports of deaths or serious injuries either in Padang or Nias. All SurfAid staff are well. However in Nias affected populations have been re-traumatized. SurfAid's medical field team on board the `Nauli' has returned to Padang having completed mobile clinics in the Banyak Islands and South Nias. More than 5, 600 children aged between six months and 15 years were vaccinated for measles during this phase of programming. SurfAid International has now stood down from an emergency footing, but since the start of the post tsunami emergency response SurfAid has immunized more than 16, 085 children, distributed 17, 676 impregnated nets and provided medical treatment to more than 2, 540 sick and injured people. See box below for more complete figures. Pharmacology at store and gradually to know treatments, for instance, prinivil. Binations in specific epilepsy syndromes become more crucial. Any data that can be obtained may help with the development of management algorithms for epilepsy and, ultimately, lead to better care of patients. Accepted for publication February 20, 2001. Corresponding author: Paul H. McCabe, MD, Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology, Room C-6840, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, 500 University Dr, Hershey, PA 17033 e-mail: pmccabe psu. There are several new medications currently in development for ui and oab, for example, lotensin 20mg.
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CAPSI will tackle the issue of student professionalism, and begin to outline the morals and standards we value as student pharmacists and future pharmacists. Raising the bar for student professionalism will have a ripple effect. As we graduate into the world of pharmacy, these high standards will serve to establish us better in the eyes of the public and other health professions. Accomplishing these initiatives will be a big job! However, with a strong national and local CAPSI council focused always on the good of Canadian pharmacy students, I confident we will be successful. CAPSI looks forward to working closely with AFPC over the coming months. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any help. Sincerely. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Caroline Kerber and Dr. Will Roland as co-directors of the Internal Medicine Student Education Programs. Dr. Kerber joined our Department in October 1998 and quickly distinguished herself as a student advocate and exceptional educator. Dr. Roland has provided exceptional education to our students and and macrobid.
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Comparison of retail prices The wide range of prices charged by different pharmacies made it difficult to compare the prices of a particular pharmacy in the United States to the prices of a different pharmacy in Canada. Therefore, Costco, which operates in both countries, was chosen as the reference pharmacy. For the United States, data were collected from the Costco On-line Pharmacy where a complete list of drug prices was provided. An American Costco employee informed the authors that on-line prices and in-store prices were equal. Full-scale online pharmacy services do not exist in Canada, so Canadian prices were obtained from pharmaceutical customer representatives at a local Costco outlet. Prices include professional dispensing fees. The data were collected at the beginning of April 2000.3 and methylphenidate. And thrB-I3 markers. The regions where recombination can occur are numbered. TABLE 4.

By Paul L. Price, Pharm.D., BCPP This year's recipient of the Saklad Award is James E. Wilson. Dr. Wilson is a Senior Regional Medical Scientist for GlaxoSmithKline. He is an Adjunct and methylprednisolone.

Undercarboxylated osteocalcin is a marker of the risk of hip fracture in elderly women. J. Clin. Investig. 91: 1769 1774. Szulc, P., Chapuy, M. C., Meunier, P. J. & Delmas, P. D. 1996 ; Serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin is a marker of the risk of hip fracture: a three year follow-up study. Bone 18: 487 488. Szulc, P., Arlot, M., Chapuy, M. C., Duboeuf, F., Meunier, P. J. & Delmas, P. D. 1994 ; Serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin correlates with hip bone mineral density in elderly women. J. Bone Miner. Res. 9: 15911595. 10. Binkley, N. C., Krueger, D. C., Kawahara, T. N., Engelke, J. A., Chappell, R. J. & Suttie, J. W. 2002 ; A high phylloquinone intake is required to achieve maximal osteocalcin -carboxylation. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 76: 10551060. 11. Binkley, N. C., Krueger, D. C., Engelke, J. A., Foley, A. L. & Suttie, J. W. 2000 ; Vitamin K supplementation reduces serum concentrations of under- carboxylated osteocalcin in healthy young and elderly adults. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 72: 15231528. 12. Booth, S. L., O'Brien-Morse, M. E., Dallal, G. E., Davidson, K. W. & Gundberg, C. M. 1999 ; Response of vitamin K status to different intakes and sources of phylloquinone-rich foods: comparison of younger and older adults. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 70: 368 377. Davidson, K. W. & Sadowski, J. A. 1997 ; Determination of vitamin K compounds in plasma or serum by high-performance liquid chromatography using postcolumn chemical reduction and fluorimetric detection. Methods Enzymol. 282: 408 421. Booth, S. L. & Sadowski, J. A. 1997 ; Determination of phylloquinone in foods by high-performance liquid chromatography. Methods Enzymol. 282: 446 456. Gundberg, C. M., Nieman, S. D., Abrams, S. & Rosen, H. 1998 ; Vitamin K status and bone health: an analysis of methods for determination of undercarboxylated osteocalcin. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 83: 3258 3266. Gundberg, C. M., Hauschka, P. V., Lian, J. B. & Gallop, P. M. 1984 ; Osteocalcin: isolation, characterization, and detection. Methods Enzymol. 107: 516 544. Haroon, Y. 1984 ; Rapid assay for gamma-carboxyglutamic acid in urine and bone by precolumn derivatization and reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Anal. Biochem. 140: 343348. 18. Sadowski, J. A., Hood, S. J., Dallal, G. E. & Garry, P. J. 1989 ; Phylloquinone in plasma from elderly and young adults: factors influencing its concentration. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 50: 100 108. Booth, S. L. & Suttie, J. W. 1998 ; Dietary intake and adequacy of vitamin K. J. Nutr. 128: 785788. 20. McKeown, N. M., Jacques, P. F., Gundberg, C. M., Peterson, J. W., Tucker, K. L., Kiel, D. P., Wilson, P.W.F. & Booth, S. L. 2002 ; Dietary and non-dietary determinants of vitamin K biochemical measures in men and women. J. Nutr. 132: 1329 1334. Dolnikowski, G. G., Sun, Z., Grusak, M. A., Peterson, J. W. & Booth, S. L. 2002 ; HPLC and GC MS determination of deuterated vitamin K phylloquinone ; in human serum after ingestion of deuterium-labeled broccoli. J. Nutr. Biochem. 13: 168 174. Kindberg, C. G. & Suttie, J. W. 1989 ; Effect of various intakes of phylloquinone on signs of vitamin K deficiency and serum and liver phylloquinone concentrations in the rat. J. Nutr. 119: 175180. I forgot, is he on lotenson once or twice daily now and metoprolol and lotensin.
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