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ABSTRACTS AND PRESENTATIONS as of June 2004 ; 1. Sigal RJ, Purdon C, and Marliss, EB. Glucoregulation by catecholamines in intense exercise: effects of propranolol. Diabetes 41 suppl. 1 ; : 70A, 1992. Presented at scientific session of the American Diabetes Association, San Antonio, TX, June 1992. ; 2 Sigal RJ, Purdon C, Vranic M, Bilinski D, and Marliss EB. Hyperinsulinemia is essential for normal glucoregulation in recovery from intense exercise in normal and type I diabetic subjects. Clin and Invest Med 15 4 ; Suppl. ; : A29, 1992. Presented at Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada CSCI meeting, Ottawa, ON, Sept. 1992. US companies are more exposed to patent expirations in the near term than the European companies; while 2007 should be the trough year for sales, not 2006 as the headline numbers might indicate ; -- see our analysis below. This analysis continues to support our view that the European drug stocks should continue to perform better than their US counterparts in the short to medium term. The primary care companies, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, look well positioned particularly if we believe GSK can save Lamictal and Coref from full generic competition and crestor.
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Jrg Bredno received the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the Aachen University of Technology. Aachen, Germany, in 1998. He currently holds a scholarship for his graduate studies at the Institute for Medical Informatics. His research interests include active contour models and quantification of medical images in regard to diagnostic issues He co-authored a textbook on programming of graphical user interfaces. Mr. Bredno received the Springorum Medal from the Aachen University of Technology in 1999 for his work on ceramic coatings of hip endoprosthesises and cymbalta.
Morous pituitaries and pituitary adenomas. Mod Pathol Jun 12: 627634 Takumi I, Steiner DF, Sanno N, Teramoto A, Osamura RY 1998 ; Localization of prohormone convertases 1 3 and 2 in the human pituitary gland and pituitary adenomas: analysis by immunohistochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, and laser scanning microscopy. Mod Pathol 11: 232238 Tasaka K, Masumoto N, Mizuki J, Ikebuchi Y, Ohmichi M, Kurachi H, Miyake A, Murata Y 1998 ; Rab3B is essential for GnRH-induced gonadotrophin release from anterior pituitary cells. J Endocrinol 157: 267274 Thaper K, Kovacs K, Laws ER 1993 ; Pituitary adenomas: current concepts in classification. Histopathologist 3: 3957 Therrien M, Drouin J 1993 ; Cell-specific helix-loop-helix factor required for pituitary expression of the pro-opiomelanocortin gene. Mol Cell Biol 13: 23422353 Thomas L, Betz H 1990 ; Synaptophysin binds to physophilin, a putative synaptic plasma membrane protein. J Cell Biol 111: 20412052 Thomas PQ, Johnson BV, Rathjen J, Rathjen PD 1995 ; Sequence, genomic organization, and expression of the novel homeobox gene hesx1. J Biol Chem 270: 38693875 Tremblay JJ, Lanctot C, Drouin J 1998 ; The pan-pituitary activator of transcription, Ptx1 pituitary homeobox 1 ; , acts in synergy with SF-1 and Pit-1 and is an upstream regulator of the Lim-homeodomain gene Lim3 Lhx3. Mol Endocrinol 12: 428441 Umemura S, Oda K, Utsunomiya H, Sanno N, Itoh J, Katakami H, Osamura RY 1995 ; Immunohistochemical characterization of "hyperplasia-adenoma sequence" in the pituitaries of transgenic mice expressing a human growth hormone-releasing factor gene. Tokai J Exp Clin Med 20: 7179 Windle JJ, Weiner RI, Mellon PL 1990 ; Cell lines of the pituitary gonadotrope lineage derived by targeted oncogenesis in transgenic mice. Mol Endocrinol 4: 597603 Yu VC, Delsert C, Andersen B, Holloway JM, Devary OV, Naar AM, Kim SY, Boutin J-M, Glass CK, Rosenfeld MG 1991 ; RXR : a coregulator that enhances binding of retinoic acid, thyroid hormone, and vitamin D receptors to their cognate response elements. Cell 67: 12511266 Zahraoui A, Touchot N, Chardin P, Tavitian A 1989 ; The human rab genes encode a family of GTP-binding proteins related to yeast YPT1 and SEC4 products involved in secretion. J Biol Chem 264: 1239412401 Zhang X-K, Hoffmann B, Tran PB-V, Graupner G, Pfahl M 1992 ; Retinoid X receptor is an auxiliary protein for thyroid hormone and retinoic acid receptors. Nature 355: 441446.
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